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Winnie Truong

The week is on its midway. Unfortunately, today Wednesday feels like Monday just because I wasn't counting time since Saturday. And the minute when the awareness of the time flow tickled my toes this morning the vision of the future appeared to be sleeping next to me as well. The month is on its midway. The autumn is already putting its coat on and planning to pay a visit no matter where you would be. So if we are counting time - here and now is the time to give a smart advice to style and grow your hair, to prepare a natural fur that would cure you from a bold chilly autumn wind. Or that I could crawl into your hair and sleep until the winter is gone. The moon is in the right position and the day seems to be perfect for a new hair style. For a new activity as well, for new findings too. Winnie Truong a pencil crayon artist, with an amazing ability to expose a vivid attention to details and structure, is my newest finding. The big sized drawings of human Sasquatches and XVI century lady hair styles improved with a bit of nastiness. It is all about counting time and trimming your hair ends. 
Be aware and take care.

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