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Lady dignity

Some kid driven by his own rage and selfish youngster ideas tried to shout in street during the parade:

"We don't have any money.
We don't have any time.
We don't have any energy.
And we are angry because of that.

And if by any chance we would get the possibility to get any of those... Screw it! Our dignity is our treasure."

So far as I know he is still doing that in the streets. Well, same poor guy just 30 years older and he doesn't seem to have much of a dignity anymore:

"We don't have any money.
We don't have any time.
We don't have any energy.
And we are angry because of that.

And if by any chance we would get the possibility to get any of those... Screw it!  Better give me beer..."

So I've raised myself a question once again. Honestly, I am getting tired of questioning, because most of the time I forgot what I'd asked before I get an answer. But that must have been the way it has to go. So the question was "How much of a dignity is being actually realized?".

We all have some amount of a dignity and we always, I tell you, ALWAYS will believe and will stand up saying that WE STILL HAVE OUR DIGNITY. It's just a nice words. In a while it goes that laziness covered the dignity for a while so I didn't clean apartment, or one Friday my mates got so drunk that did so many stupid things that Mrs. Dignity would kill herself straight away. If she is still alive.

Ask me or them, or any other person if he/she still has their dignity. Answer without any doubt will be "Yes, of course!" But really... Do we use our dignity properly, or just when the principles hit our simplified thinking? Or what about the dignity that drives us to rage, but never drives us to do something that we wouldn't have to rage? Or...

I think everybody raises different questions to themselves. And Mrs. Dignity is blushing every time you forget any of those. Take a good care of your dignity. Don't rage against yourself. So climbing down the bar and collecting clothes and spilled drinks I thought "Yeah, I think I owe my dignity an apology." Even though we are always planning to keep our dignity clean, most of the time we mistreat her. Sorry.

But now it's Thursday and holidays are flying fast. That just reminds me a card that I've saw couple of weeks ago "I can't wait to be ashamed of what I'll do this weekend".

Be aware and remember, please remember, please while using wine use a little dignity too.

Best wishes and kisses,

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