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Freedom as a goal of life is extremely useless and in the end disappointing.

Freedom as a surprise of life is like a piece of gold in a pool of mud.

Paradox isolates you in the search process: more you seek, more imprisoned you feel. More you try to achieve your happiness pushing and pulling your current position, more you notice that you are actually gaining distance from being happy... And lucky.

A person, adventurer, explorer is all the time being offered various of options. When you try to skip one step of options in the stairs to freedom, you jump higher and might reach your peak sooner, but when you try to skip two or three steps, you just fall down and sit crying with a bleeding nose. Boom.

Oooh yes. Been there, done that. Actually, I think that I got rid of all my 2011 sins and mistakes while celebrating New Years Eve. Fell down on my knees that much that I think none of the monks or nuns have been falling for ages. Funny. High heels ain't my best friend.

In other hand, I learned my lesson. Every time I fell, I stood up with a great smile. Everytime it was painful, I cope with it with humor. Kept my happiness, didn't do hunting, kept my friends and even all of my belongings. I am couple of steps closer to freedom.
Let's rephrase: Freedom is Happiness. And happiness comes. Sooner or later. (Daaam, I really would like to make "That's what she said" joke now)

If you do anything that you love, like I am writting or reading all the blabbers, you are closer to your happiness. The same point -freedom. It can be something or nothing like chess, crosswords, drinking tequilla or studying. My french friend is 23 and already planning to get in to a 5th higher education institution. This year she's going to get the 4th diploma. I believe that she finds her happiness in studies even though it might be exhausting.

When you'll figure out that all those options you chose might be a deep and cold pool of mud that you are sitting in, you'll understand that you are holding a piece of gold in your hands and you can raise from that mud whenever you want.

Don't seek for a freedom. Freedom as a professional forty-niner will find you by itself.

With best wishes for FRAPPINESS,
not-a-gold-digger Ugne.

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