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Look What I'm saying

My godmother always says "Look, what I'm saying" as it is not enough to listen.

It is nice when somebody is actually listening to you. And asking to look at you is just a part of building of an intimate atmosphere.

Yep yep, all of you heard that eyes are the mirror of your soul showing what kind of personality you are. I also heard that bullshit as a pickup phrase. Not that hot, huh?

"Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again?","Is your Dad an astronaut? Because someone took the stars from the sky and put them in your eyes. " and some more of this intimate atmosphere building exercises.

And what can you say. It sometimes works. Or smashing glass of wine in ones hand. Or pretending to be smart-ass, or trying to beat other guys in Foosball match. All works. All you need is to look in girls eyes. And of course to chose naive enough girl.

And look, what I'm saying. We play to be very special, we play to be secure and self-confident while all we are inside is pretty hot mess. Not that special, huh?

It is not enough to listen. Look carefully. It does not matter who is the dominant in this conversation. It is not enough to know some clever pickup lines. Eyes are essential at this point. Well, in other situations eyes are also some helpful stuff.

This is just a small reminder for a pickups. I know, that hunting days are never over. There are three days left till the New Years Eve and people say it is better to meet N.Y. Eve not alone. So look around, maybe your "Next year" is just around a corner.

I'm not very lucky in all kinds of hunting, but what I know is that my horoscope just predicted me some loving these last days of a year. And I'll LOOK carefully to whom I'm talking. And most probably gonna tell you if my sight didn't get worse after...

So keep your legs tight and better spread your eyes.
Happy New Hunt.

Biggest kisses and warmest hugs,

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