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Ride the road

When the summer is getting into the faster and faster pace, marbles bump each other with their glass bellies and change directions according to their wishes. And something that has been sleeping cosily in one canvas bag all together for the past few years has to separate and leave your pocket. It is always sad to lose some marbles, not in a sense of going mad, but in the sense that you can't always be a winner in all the games. On the other hand, the road is the exciting part and we are always on one. Our atoms move like marbles, hitting each other gently with their bellies and bouncing off. They are on the road, so why don't we see ourselves moving as fast? 

It might be just an observation, but we want to materialize movement in things and experiences, forgetting what experiences and moments we have... right now. The body might not move but our thoughts wander. And nobody can simply help it, just acknowledge the path your thoughts made and maybe count it as an achievement, greeting them with a glass of fresh made lemonade. 

I am always on the road, through the thin sleep nights when I wake up to draw my dreams, when my dream whispers to me to get one of those leather cowboy flasks for water to carry in style, when my dream writes notes on the spilled white sauce with green peas and it says "We are beat" or maybe when somebody sings a song with no melody or absolutely no logical explanation of lyrics and it just makes sense not to make any sense. 

That is THE ROAD and supposedly the best trip is not knowing what awaits you on the road. Maybe summer marble game will be your road to Damascus.

Lovely animated drawings by Oamul, Chinese illustrator, from his series "On the Road". Check more of his work right HERE

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